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Naming Names

[whitespace] An entirely biased, definitely not-comprehensive list of hidden talent and rising stars (and where you can find them)

By Danya Ruttenberg

Kim Miscowicz, painting-- Southern Exposure, 4 Walls

Howie Chernan, video art-- Southern Exposure

Deke Weaver, performance art--Intersections for the Arts

James Bewley, performance art--various spaces

Elizabeth Demaray, sculpture--Southern Exposure

Curtis Hsiang, installation art--ESP

Ted Purvis, conceptual art--ESP

Susanne Cockrel, conceptual art--ESP

Beverly Rainer, photography, mixed media--Braunstein/Quay

Kimberly Austin, photography-- Braunstein/Quay

Todd Hido, photography-- Stephen Wirtz

Karissa Sellman, video art-- various spaces

Kathryn Van Dyke, painting--4 Walls

Wendy Corr, painting--Hang

Daniel Osunde, sculpture--Hang

Timothy Buckwalter, painting/mixed media--4 Walls

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From the March 29, 1999 issue of the Metropolitan.

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