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[whitespace] Rebecca Watkins Concrete Runway

Haight & Clayton

Words & pictures by Shay Nielsen

Name: Rebecca Watkins

Age: 23

What do you do?: I work for Something Else on Haight and hide out in my basement working on a new record label with DJ Rasoul. It's called "Soul Food."

What are you wearing?

Shirt: Label
Skirt: Sooki
Shoes: El Dante, from Shoe Biz

Where are you from?: The label says "Heaven."

Where do you get your hair done?: By some random tranny.

What is your favorite magazine?: Sassy

Where do you like to go out at night?: The Top on Friday nights.

Where do you hope to be for the millennium?: I hope to be on the Big Island in Hawaii, avoiding chaos with my friends.

How do you feel about San Francisco's fashion scene?: It's time to take it back to the streets. Shock the monkey a little!

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From the September 27, 1999 issue of the Metropolitan.

Copyright © Metro Publishing Inc.