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Check out Boulevards' Guide to San Francisco

December 1997

Features: Screw the Holidays
Fifty innovative ways to survive the season.

Unchain My Block: Fighting the corporate invasion.

Job Interview: Just what does your baggage goes through en-route?

The Havana Desk: Fear and Loathing in Las Tunas.

How Not to Be Seen: Tips on how to sneak by salespeople, plus some less crowded places to shop.

Political Makeover: Redesigning the '98 Governor's race.

Real Fashion: What to wear to a show? Probably not these outfits.

Millie's Map: Show biz and hustler hangouts on Polk Street.

Take the Good With the Bland: Clint Eastwood's Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is swollen with exposition.

Post-Festival Fervor: The S.F. Jazz Festival is long over. But jazz is still the best deal in town.

Beyond the Band: Corey McAbee of the Billy Nayer Show makes up the undefinable, but undeniably cool, musical experience.

Also Durans: A little older and wiser, Duran Duran proves that they can sound as good as they look on their new album.

Tibetan Holiday: Delicious antidotes to holiday frenzy.

Absinthe Minded: What all the kids are drinking.

[Staff Box]

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